Careers and Destinations

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance 

Students are very well supported as they make their applications to University, apply for Higher Level Apprenticeships or other non University post 18 pathways. This enables them to make the right decisions for their future. We are extremely proud that students at Burnside Sixth Form College are three times more likely to attend a top 20 university. 

CEIAG is on-going throughout the academic year and is delivered in registrations, collapsed timetable events and is enhanced by working with local businesses, colleges and Universities. 

All of our Year 12 students have the invaluable opportunity of work experience, providing the chance to develop employability skills and sample the world of work. We have extensive links with businesses across the North East including Accenture and our enterprise partner Freudenberg. 

All students at Burnside Sixth Form College complete a Progression Module in tutorial which ensures that students have all the information they need to make informed choices after their A Levels including University, Higher Apprenticeship programmes and employment. 

Supported Progression Programmes 

Eligible students have the opportunity to work with a range of supported progression schemes in order to support their progression into Higher Education. We are proud to work with The Linacre Institute, The Sutton Trust, Tyneside STEM Scholars and we have bespoke career ready programmes such as Think Law and Think Engineering. Our students have also benefited from being involved with the supported progression schemes from universities such as Durham University, Newcastle University and Northumbria University.

All students have access to our Connexions Advisers for impartial information, advice and guidance. 

They are:

To arrange an appointment in school, please either email directly to James or Helen or students can request one through their form tutor in school. 

All students have access to Unifrog which is an online platform with College and University searches, as well as careers tools and CV writing (among many other things) This can be accessed via the internet at any time so can be shared at home with parents/carers.

Employer Support

As part of the government’s careers strategy, every school must now have an Enterprise Advisor who works in industry and who can support a school with their strategic careers plans. Our Enterprise Advisor is James Crowther.

The North East LEP is a public, private and education partnership organisation that works strategically to support growth, employment and productivity for our region.

Alexandra’s role within the Skills Team at the North East LEP is to support the school in its achievement of the Good Career Guidance Benchmarks and improve our employer connections within the region. One way we have been doing this is participating in the Enterprise Adviser Network, a national initiative spearheaded by the Careers & Enterprise Company and delivered by the North East LEP.

Alexandra’s background has predominantly been in the Hospitality, Tourism and Events sector before moving into Education. She has specific experience in developing and delivering careers activities to students from Primary to Post-16 and is well connected in the region to support employer engagement.

To find out more about the Enterprise Advisor program visit 

We have established a successful partnership with the global engineering company Freudenberg who are based on the Cobalt Business Park. They work closely with our students by attending career events and allowing students to visit their site to experience the workplace. Also, we collaborate on our careers strategy and they work with us to promote apprenticeships and technical pathways, industry support for STEM curriculum areas and girls into STEM initiatives. 

Support for Students and Parents

Here, you will find a range of information that you can use to make choices and decisions at Post 14, Post 16 and Post 18. It is important to remember that students must stay in education or training until they are 18 years old.

You can start thinking about your career and personality text by taking the Buzz Quiz

Labour Market Information

In the north-east, the Local Enterprise Partnership has identified 4 job sectors that will provide future jobs for young people. They are:

It is important to think about where the potential future jobs will be in the local area in the future. Further information from the Local Enterprise Partnership can be found here.

Post 16 Options

Students have the option of continuing their education at a sixth form college or further education college in the local area by choosing academic, vocational or technical qualifications or they can apply for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship. Here is information about the potential pathways available to students at the end of Year 11.

Further information about Post 16 options can be found here.

Post 18 Options

Students have the option of continuing to further education by attending University to study at degree level or applying for a Higher Level or Degree Apprenticeship or accepting an employment offer

Further information about Post 18 options can be found here.


Unifrog is the destination platform that we use in school and offers students the opportunity to fully research what they intend to do in the future and it helps them make choices by comparing those options. Further information can be provided here and all students have a login so they can access Unifrog at home or in school. All meetings with Connexions are recorded on this platform and can be accessed by students and parents.


Springpod is a digital platform that can be used in school and outside of school to offer students virtual work experience opportunities.  All students have received a login and we would encourage students to maximise this opportunity. Year 12 students all have the opportunity to complete Work Experience in July of Y12. They will be encouraged to find their own placements, with staff support, allowing them to find meaningful placements for their next steps. 

Useful Career Websites:

The National Careers Service


LMI For All

My World of Work

The WOW Show

icould: Career Ideas and Information for your Future

Careers and Enterprise Company

Traineeships/Apprenticeships/T Levels

Amazing Apprenticeships

Find an Apprenticeship

T Levels

Apprenticeship Guide

Year 13 students into Employment

If you are an adult  looking to find a job that fits around your family commitments, gain new skills, or simply gain a better understanding of local opportunities, your North Tyneside Council Employment and Skills Team can help.

You can get more information here or by calling 0191 643 2111 or emailing

If you would like to book a progression meeting at any point during Sixth Form, please contact Miss Giles at